Estudo @OpenForumEurope: Impacto do Software e Hardware Livre e Open Source
A OpenForum Europe (OFE) e a Fraunhofer ISI estão a conduzir um estudo para a Comissão Europeia sobre o impacto do software e hardware open source na inovação, competitividade, e independência tecnológica. Neste contexto, aquelas entidades lançaram um questionário a ser respondido por todos aqueles que usam, trabalham, desenvolvem hardware ou software open source
Are you involved in or responsible for open source projects in your organization? Do you develop Open Source solutions yourself? Maybe you are a part of a scientific team implementing Open Source Hardware into their research? Or using Open Source components in your other projects? We invite all types of stakeholders using or developing Open Source, such as SMEs, large companies, non-profits, individual developers and many others, to fill the survey and share their experience."
- a preview of the economic impact of Open Source;
- Open Source policy trends around the world;
- the latest initiatives of the European Commission and Member States;
- discussions on findings and actions with experts from academia, business and policy.