Richard Stallman: Should We Have More Surveillance Than the USSR?
Richard Stallman, criador do movimento do Software Livre, está de volta a Portugal, e irá falar-nos sobre vigilância:

Should We Have More Surveillance Than the USSR?
Digital technology has enabled governments to impose surveillance that Stalin could only dream of, making it next to impossible to talk with a reporter undetected. This puts democracy in danger. Stallman will present the absolute limit on general surveillance in a democracy, and suggest ways to design systems not to collect dossiers on all citizens.
Presente no local do evento, irá estar uma banca com vários items da FSF.
Informação do evento
Data: 10 nov. 2016, 13:30 — 15:00
Local: Auditório JJ Laginha (Edifício I), ISCTE, Lisboa